Here is Ahmet Civelek's paintings. He was in my art studio of Deniz Orkus and Dara Abadi. Always liked his paintings loads. Here are my favourites from them. You know when you start out painting, to create something or do anything, you are instantly being told you either work like such an such painter, well this guy started out, and everybody said 'Oh the guy who works like Pollock' check out these works, he's got a style and its damn good. He graduated from Byam Shaw in 2010. Do check out his videos too.
I haven't shared how beautiful Creative Growth designs are with you. Shame on me. Well ok, Creative Growth is an art centre for adults with disabilities physical and mental. These artists make the most amazing art ever. They are based in Oakland, California. However towards the summer Selfridges in London started bringing some t-shirts that made me the happiest person to wear with my big belly. Please check out these beautiful works by these amazing artists. Enjoyyyy
Here is what made me happy 2 days ago, and guess what I am still happy by it. I can't wait to send a response back to a printed mail-art. Check out how amazing it is, all made with love. MMM hmm